Organisation and business management  

Objectives and Contextualisation The course aims to provide a series of knowledge in relation to the conceptual framework of the company and the economic system in which it operates, as well as the analysis and approach of microeconomic and management techniques and models, making special emphasis on those areas linked to technology-based companies. It will seek to provide a theoretical-practical vision that students can relate to current challenges and situations in the academic and sectoral field of their studies Competences Electronic Engineering for Telecommunication Apply basic elements of economics and human resource management, organisation and planning of projects. Communication Develop ethics and professionalism. Develop personal attitude. Develop personal work habits. Develop thinking habits. Work in a team. Telecommunication Systems Engineering Apply basic elements of economics and human resource management, organisation and planning of projects. Communication Develop ethics and professionalism. Develop personal attitude. Develop personal work habits. Develop thinking habits. Work in a team. Learning Outcomes "Identify, pose and resolve problems in the different functional areas of a business, production, costs, investment, funding and marketing; using the adequate business management techniques." Adapt to unforeseen situations. Communicate efficiently, orally and in writing, knowledge, results and skills, both professionally and to non-expert audiences. Contribute to society's welfare and to sustainable development. Describe the institutional and legal framework of a company. Describe the institutional and legal framework of a company. Develop critical thinking and reasoning. Develop curiosity and creativity. Develop independent learning strategies. Develop scientific thinking. Develop the capacity for analysis and synthesis. Efficiently use ICT for the communication and transmission of ideas and results. Identify and analyse the main elements of the business concept in relation to the economic system in which it operates: transaction and coordination costs, business function, types of company and social responsibility. Identify and analyse the main elements of the business concept in relation to the financial system in which it operates: transaction and coordination costs, business function, types of company and social responsibility. Identify problems and design solutions in the field of organisation, paying special attention to the activities of administrative management, human resources, organisational design, strategies and project planning. Identify problems and design solutions in the field of organisation, paying special attention to the activities of administrative management, human resources, organisational design, strategies and project planning. Identify, manage and resolve conflicts. Identify, pose and resolve problems in the different functional areas of the company, production, costs, investment, funding and marketing, using suitable business management techniques. Make one's own decisions. Manage available time and resources. Manage available time and resources. Work in an organised manner. Prevent and solve problems. Work autonomously. Work cooperatively. Work in complex or uncertain surroundings and with limited resources. Content 1. Economic context and productive structure 1.1. The economic system and the role of the company 1.2. Economic principles and business forms according to legal and socio-economic criteria 1.3. Contemporary economic and business context 2. Industrial organization, information and contracts 2.1. Perfect competition: profit maximization and cost minimization 2.2. Imperfect competition: monopoly, oligopoly (competition in quantities and prices) and monopolistic competition 2.3. Introduction to information theory and contracts: moral hazard, adverse selection and signaling 3. Key concepts of investments and financing 3.1. Investment concepts, basic financial instruments, investment selection (VAN, IRR) 3.2. Investment, depreciation and cash flows 3.3. The sources of financing in the company and the cost of capital 4. Technology-based business projects 4.1. Key concepts of innovative technology-based projects 4.2. Intellectual and industrial protection 4.3. Specific funding for technology-based projects 4.4. Product development 4.5. Commercialization and marketing aspects
Organisation and business management

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